2018 Artisan Home Tour Greater Kansas City
Have you been to the Artisan Home Tour? The Home Builders Association of Greater Kansas City is proud to present the Artisan Home Tour, a showcase of Kansas City’s finest custom home builders and the unique and impeccable qualities of their one-of-a-kind homes and featured products. If you’re looking for the latest and best in home design and construction, this is for you! Even if you’re simply browsing for design ideas, you’ll be sure to find lots of Pinterest-worthy inspiration.Home shows and tours often spur people to tackle small (or major) home improvement projects or even look for a new home to purchase. And new construction continues to be as big as ever. We recently blogged about the hot market and how it’s led to low inventory. Listings are moving quickly and properties are hot, both new construction and resale.
There are six builders featured on this exclusive Tour:
The Artisan Home Tour hours
This marks the second and final weekend of the tour. The Artisan Homes Tour is open today (Thursday), Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from noon until 7:00pm each day. It is a ticketed tour and there are 7 homes featured. Stop by the HBA at 600 E. 103 St., Kansas City, MO 64131 to pick up your Artisan Home Tour Guide or pick one up at any of the Artisan Tour homes.The seven homes are in Parkville, Stilwell, Overland Park, Loch Lloyd and Leawood.
HBA helps Ronald McDonald House Charities
This year, the HBA is partnering with charitable partner Ronald McDonald House Charities. A portion of the tour’s proceeds will benefit this wonderful cause and enable them to keep helping families at their greatest time of need; during an illness.
The Artisan Home Tour goes mobile
The HBA has made it easy to find your favorite homes and map your route! There are apps available for download on both Android and Apple. Here’s what you can do and expect from the app, and these features sound totally amazing!
- Buy Tickets
- See the listing of all seven homes and select a home to view more details including photographs, home descriptions, location and builder information.
- Use the mapping feature for convenient driving directions.
- Let the HBA know what you think by rating homes in variety of categories or make a comment in the comment section.
*images and information provided by https://artisanhome.kchba.org/*featured image: Starr Homes / Sundance Ridge / 17605 Adair Street